In My Mailbox (12)

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren! It’s a chance to share what books you’ve gotten in the past week, whether in your mailbox, from the store or the library!

This was a great week for me! I got a few physical books as well as some cool swag and some great looking ebooks for my Kindle.

Cinder Swag:

Marissa Meyer was super nice and gave out swag to everyone who helped support her book launch by wearing red shoes and spreading the word. So I have a signed book plate, a Of Posiden bookmark signed by Anna Banks, 3 Cinder stickers, 2 Cinder bookmarks, and Marissa’s card. Super happy to have it all, now to decide if I want to put the bookplate in the book.


Linger by Maggie Stiefvater

It was only $4 at my local indie bookstore, and it’s a super nice hardcover.

For Review:

Fire Baptized by Kenya Wright

Kindle Purchases:

Exiled by Rashelle Workman

Enchantment by Charolotte Abel

Taken by Charlotte Abel

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18 Responses to In My Mailbox (12)

  1. Lucy says:

    That Cinder swag is awesome! Loved that book. Nice kindle deals too.
    Happy reading 🙂

  2. oooh! Cinder swag! I just finished reading it. Loved it! (At first I didn’t like it though.)

  3. I love swag – especially stickers! You got some great books too 🙂
    I always forget to list out my ebooks….oops!
    Happy Reading!

  4. Awesome Cinder swag! I love the cover for Exiled, do enjoy everything!

    Shortskie’s Mailbox

  5. sash and em says:

    LOVE Shiver, Linger, and Forever!

    Our IMM

  6. Gotta love swag ! I’m reading Cinder now, it’s unique from any other re-telling I’ve ever read.

  7. livredeamour says:

    Never heard of Charlotte Abel before. I will now investigate this new author.


  8. Kat says:

    The Cinder swag is pretty awesome! and getting Linger for only 4 is a major bargain. Enjoy your books!

  9. I love Cinder and the swag is pretty cool! 🙂

  10. Valentina says:

    Cinder is great. Hope you enjoy it 🙂

  11. Oooh, cool Cinder swag! And you got some very neat books on top of that too (: I’m looking forward to read Fire Baptized.

    Celine ~ Nyx Book Reviews

  12. Madigan says:

    I love the cover for Exiled! Haven’t heard of it before. Congrats on all your great books. 🙂

  13. Audris says:

    Exiled is so pretty. I love that cover. I have Shiver but I haven’t had the chance to read it yet, I have to get to that one soon! 🙂 Enjoy all your books!

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