Armchair BEA Day 1 – Classics

armchairbea3Armchair BEA is an online ‘convention’ of sorts that allows bloggers who can’t make it to BEA in New York a chance at some of the awesome action.


Classic books are something I’ve had a long love affair with that started back in middle school around 7th grade (2003). At a certain point I kind of started to integrate more ‘classic’ fiction into my reading and move away from middle grade. By the time I was in high school I was devouring them all without any prompts from my teachers…which left me in the awkward position of not having to read the required reading. Though there times when having read most of the books they offered I had to branch out into genres I wasn’t fond of at the time like Gothic romance (Wuthering Heights). Unfortunately I haven’t had much time to really sit down with a classic novel and enjoy it, and I should really make a point to do so.

I think classics are rather obvious in the reason they are so well read and loved, and like on the main Armchair BEA page they have something universal about them. It’s because of that that even a kid in 7th grade can pick up a book like Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland or Peter Pan, and instantly get swept away. It’s also the reason that when a person can pick up a dystopian dated in a way that the title is a literal date (1984) and they can still feel that tension and terror, they can still get what the story is about. Classics are timeless.

I’m trying to collect all of the Barnes & Noble leatherbound copies. They are gorgeous and really sturdy so I’m hoping to have them for a very long time.

Some of my personal favorites are:

If I had to convince someone to read classics I think I’d find out what genres they love the most and work from there, because there is a classic for every genre.

  • Dystopian lovers should check out 1984 and Fahrenheit 451.
  • Horror lovers should check out HP Lovecraft‘s stuff. If they like more Gothic horror Dracula  or Frankenstein
  • Epic fantasy lovers should check out Tolkien. The Hobbit is easier to slip into than The Lord of the Rings, plus it’s the prequel so it makes for a great place to start.
  • Science Fiction lovers should definitely check out The Time Machine by HG Wells, it’s fun and pretty fast paced.
  • Children’s Story lovers might like Peter Pan which has the childlike sense of wonder and adventure. Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland for those who like a little side of weird and quirky.

There is truly a classic for every book lover, you just have to look.

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16 Responses to Armchair BEA Day 1 – Classics

  1. Briana says:

    I didn’t even think of putting 1984 or Fahrenheit 451 on my list, but both are wonderful books!

    I’ve read Wuthering Heights, but strangely remember nothing about it, except not liking it. I don’t know if that means I should give it another chance or not!

    • Lol, I know a ton of people who didn’t like Wuthering Heights. Most had complaints about the crazy characters. It’s definitely a love it or leave kind of book. I didn’t like typical romance at the time so all of the damaged characters really made the book addictive.

  2. Lexxie says:

    There are so many great classics, my list is tiny, though… I didn’t think of Dracula nor of 1984, but I have read and loved both of them.

    I agree with you, the classics are classic because they are timeless. And there are some things that are just part of being human – if a writer was able to get that across, I think the story is definitely worth a read.

    I have started both The Hobbit and LotR several times, and I just can’t get into them. 😦 One day!

    Have fun this week with Armchair BEA!


  3. I love that you had already read your required reading! So sophisticated! 🙂

    I love those B&N editions, too! I have a couple of them. Penguin also released some more modern looking ones that I found beautiful but I don’t have any of those.

  4. I think you’re right, classics (the good ones, anyways, lol) have a certain timelessness about them. Or the stories are just so crazy (like Wuthering Heights, which I love) that they’re STILL entertaining.

    Those B&N leatherbound classics are so gorgeous. I buy them when they’re on sale, or wait for them to become available on Paperbackswap.

    Happy ABEA week!

  5. Vivian says:

    Michelle, Love your list of classics. I don’t know why I have a tendency to ignore the horror/science-fiction classics such as The Picture of Dorian Grey, Frankenstein or Dracula when I’m making a list of classic favorites. I’ve read them all and loved them. Thanks for making me rethink the classic literature issue and thanks for the recommendations.

  6. I loved the way you matched classics with genres, great idea. So many are intimidated by them that this is a perfect approach. I’m just starting Jane Eyre, I read it years ago but I’m vague on the details. Wuthering Heights is my Favourite.

    BookishTrish @ Between the Lines

  7. Great suggestions for those new to Classics! Hope you enjoy the ABEA!!

  8. Roof Beam Reader says:

    I absolutely love your list of favorites as well as your suggestions. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is one of my all-time favorites. It was a great, whimsical fantasy story-experience for me as a child, but it’s so much more than it appears. I’ve re-read it as an adult, twice, and love it more every time.

  9. Nicole says:

    I knew I forgot something. Peter Pan is one of my favorites. I really like your list! I too started reading classics around 2003.

  10. Cee says:

    I love Frankenstein. Only because I love discussing about who the real monster in the story is.

    Peter Pan had always been my favorite as a child. Who wouldn’t want to fly around and fight a pirate? ;D

    Here is my post about classical literature!

  11. Vikk Simmons says:

    Your list of favorites is close to mine. I recently reread Dorian Gray and loved it all over again. I have several of the others as rereads on my reading list for The Classics Club. There are a lot of interesting books in the classic genre that people forget. Your recommendations are terrific.

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