Read Play Blog: 2015 Game Releases I’m Dying to Play


Read Play Blog is a meme about video games and books, posted every 16th of the month. Bloggers are encouraged to answer a discussion question, and recommend a video game that is similar to a book they liked. Hosted by Happy Indulgence Books & Read Me Away.

This Month’s Topic is…

2015 Game Releases I Can’t Wait to Play!

There are so many games coming out this year and I have high hopes that they will top last years poor quality…These are listed in no real order and these are definitely not the only games I have my eye on this year.

Rise of the Tomb Raider

I loved the first game! It was my first Xbox One game and it is definitely one of my favorite “newer” games to date.  I can’t wait to get back into the thick of it with Lara and see how she’s coping with all of the events of the first game.


The Elder Scrolls Online

I’ve been waiting to play this on console and the wait is killing me because they keep delaying it. However, if it keeps it from being the next Unity I’m completely okay with the delay. I played the beta and absolutely adored it. I normally play all MMO’s on my computer but since I prefer my Elder Scrolls games on console that’s where I’m getting it. Plus I already pay for Xbox Live, so no need to buy months for ESO.


Assassin’s Creed: Victory 

I want to quit you AC…I really do. It’s no secret Ubisoft has been on my bad side. First they tell me woman are too difficult to animate, then they tell me we’re getting a game set in China…but it’s a side scroller, and then the Unity released happened (microtransactions, bum graphics, etc). However, I’m giving them another shot because this is one of my favorite franchises. I love the storylines and this one is set in Victorian England, one of my favorite time periods. This a different section of Ubisoft as well so I’m hoping it’ll be as good as their other “side” projects like Black Flag and Rogue

Tom Clancy’s The Division

I’m not big on Tom Clancy games but ever since E3 I have been dying to my hands on this one. The PVP aspect does make me nervous because I tend to hate having random people interfere with my game, but it has such a cool premise and focuses on tactically taking on missions that I just need to see it for myself.

Recommendation – The Stanley Parable


The Stanley Parable can be found on Steam and is a very unusual game. You are Stanley and you have just discovered your office is empty, with the help of the narrator you must find out what’s going on. Of course…you don’t have to, if you don’t want to. This game has so many different endings, and the narrator is pretty much hilarious. I’ve spent so much more time on this game than I ever expected to. It’s possible to get through it in under 5 mins, but I’ve spent upwards of 4 hours just finding all of the extra endings and dialogue.

Playing Now – Sunset Overdrive & The Secret World

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I got Sunset Overdrive for Christmas, so I’ve been playing that quite a bit. It’s still a ton of fun and I love the action and humor. I also bought The Secret World while it was on sale on Steam in December and I’ve been playing the heck of it as well. It’s one of my favorite MMO’s because of how creepy and different it is. You fight the typical things like zombies, but you also fight things like Krampus (Winter event) and Windigos. Plus there is a great emphase on clue finding and  “hacking” that makes it a lot of fun.

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10 Responses to Read Play Blog: 2015 Game Releases I’m Dying to Play

  1. Ah, the Stanley Parable! 😀 My bro and I played this one, and we had a LOT of fun. The narrator is just so funny! There’s so much to see, so much to try out. I’m so glad you liked it too!

  2. I have only just discovered Elder Scrolls (I used to love Morrowind). These all sound great!

    Sharon – Obsession with Books

    • Elder Scrolls has my heart! I was pretty late to the games myself, I tried playing Morrowind with a friend’s character and they didn’t tell me if you jump too high in that game you can die…So I stopped playing until i picked up Oblivion on a whim.

  3. Faye M. says:

    Ahhhh, Lara Croft ❤ ❤ Man, I remember the childhood I had spent jumping off buildings and mountains and jungles on the Playstation 1 console with this superwoman. I really need to play Assassin's Creed myself, but the first book didn't impress me 😦 I didn't even get past the first task of racing my brother to the top of the Cathedral lol (It took me 20 tries before giving the frack up!) Jeann did say I should just start with the second game as it's miiiles better 🙂

    Faye at The Social Potato

    • Definitely try Assassin’s Creed 2, it has much better controls and the overall system (like the map, skills, etc.) is better. I hated the first one and I’ve never bothered to finish it. All of the later games are easier to pick up. And Yes!! Lara Croft was one of my favorite games to play as a kid, though some of them were really tough.

  4. My son plays these, and the graphic are amazing.

  5. I have to limit my video game time because I get SO into them that I won’t do anything else. The new Lara Croft game is intriguing. I played it on the original PlatStation and loved it then. Maybe it’s time I caught up with her. 😀

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